Sunrise Beach How Do I Convince My Parents To Let Me Go Out At 5:30 To The Beach To Watch The Sunrise?

How do I convince my parents to let me go out at 5:30 to the beach to watch the sunrise? - sunrise beach

I am 17 and I drove for a while. You agree with me go, but the fact that its 5:30 Clock in the morning.


Skylark ~ is back in Paris said...

Know what time you officially opened near the beach with a lifeguard, and view the Web page to your parents. You are likely to be nervous on the beach in the dark by themselves know, and if that were patrolling it feel good too. On the beach near my lifeguard headquarters is 24 hours a day, but most stations are only lifeguard staff during the daylight hours. I went to the headquarters and asked for stations that were occupied before dawn and found that four of them was in the popular surf spots lifeguards deployed at five clock. Most beaches are gathering areas, surfers, and how they want to get the water to be taken early points in the safest bet to see the sun. Surf a little to find out online, to, where they are busy places and times of the stations. The bonus advantage is that children are also welcome to browse. :)

If you do not usually get up so early to help raise a cup of coffee before you start driving, and bring a flashlight, wHISTLER, towel, and your mobile phone with you. Put your towel back from the edge of the water, so that the water is not splashed with a nice freezing.

I'm 17 and I am happy to see the sunrise on the beach. I also met with resistance from the parents of more than good to live near the beach, and I'm not really technically the house to leave until the sun completely, but if they know that I sometimes areas with lifeguards are guards with him cool.

Good luck !!!!!!

~ Pax / Peace:)

toonew2t... said...

Thank you for the kind of girl will not even ask, and if you are a "no".

At first I was to say to take with you, but I think the point is to be alone ...

Do you have a cell phone? Remind them that you are with you and if there is something called and first asked, and it is not so ...

Good luck ... Take pictures!

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