``index Of`` Incest Pics Jpg What's Wrong With Incest?

What's wrong with incest? - ``index of`` incest pics jpg

This led me to this question on the following question:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...

Seriously, what's wrong with incest? I mean, what is the problem if you do not have sexual relations between adults, between consenting adults? I am not tolerate abuse or sexual abuse! I wonder what is wrong with incest as long as the "conspirators" of adults, according to the law?

Adam and Eve were genetically almost identical. Their children were almost immediately genetically perfect. So when the brothers and sisters to have sex, and produce their offspring, the changes had not occurred. Do not follow mutations and deformations, several generations later, when the gene pool has grown.

If the Bible condemns incest incest, I alluded to this in practice? What is wrong with having sex with a parent, if both agree, and age, married or married and not at all?

It is a taboo in our modern society. Why? Yes, in our modERN passing day, mutations and birth defects can. Incest was common in ancient Egypt, and mutations are also common. Today, mutations can occur in incestuous situations, produce offspring. Of course, Hitler would frown, and other supporters of eugenics on people with birth defects and mutations. I think we all need. But at the time of early humans, the burden would not have occurred primarily in the generation of biological parents.

Why is a taboo in today's world? Besides the inherent ick "factor of rejection and our physical appearance, what's wrong with incest? Revoltingness incest, or are conditioned to react in a way for them?


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